Beijing International Auto Show Dazzles Car Lovers

China’s State Council has recently developed a green vehicle development plan to subsidise electric car production. As investments in this industry continue to increase, many officials speculate that automobiles will become one of the country’s most exported goods in the future.
So what does this mean for a company like Amsia Motors? It means that the company’s opportunities for expansion in the international market are endless, and it is no longer alone in believing that green vehicles are the best option for the future.
“Although Chinese automobile exports constitute a very small part of the country’s overall trade, there is a large margin for them to grow,” says the Ministry of Commerce’s Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech.
The country is already experiencing growth in the export of automobiles. Citing figures from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, reported that China exported a total of 278,948 vehicles from January of this year to April, a 24% increase compared to the figures during the same period in 2011. Time magazine cites a report from J.D. Power that in 2010, Chinese and Indian consumers together bought just under 20 million new passenger vehicles. That's 70 percent more cars than Americans purchased that year. It's not just Asia's booming economies that may explain why this is happening. The Washington Post notes that Americans - especially young, fairly new drivers who once couldn't wait to get behind the wheel and go anywhere and everywhere, and fast - do not regard the automobile as part of the American Dream quite so fervently any more.

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