China-Brazil and Shanghai Auto Show, 2013.

The Brazil-China Chamber (CCIBC) is an independent, nonprofit, founded in 1986 in Sao Paulo. Built from the request of former deputy prime minister of China, Mr. Wu Xueqian, we are honored to have several distinguished personalities, leaders and government officials among our founders. 

In order to promote exchange and cooperation in the economic, academic and cultural exchange between Brazil and China and to foster the relationship between their peoples, we have the support of the business community, the diplomatic and government.

As a borderless world requires, we are present in several cities of Brazil, China and we have offices in Latin America to develop our work. We host our offices in China's representatives in the states of Pernambuco, Para and Mato Grosso do Sul for the promotion of trade relations.

We are the only legitimized the Brazil and China by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the National Trade Confederation (CNC) and the Trade Association (ACSP) and maintain agreements with entities such as the National Confederation of Industries ( NCC), National Association of Exporters (AEB) and the Confederation of Trade Associations of Brazil (CACB).

During Autoshang 2013, the organizer and CCIBC, jointly organized the Brazil-China auto parts purchasing match-making conference, detailing auto parts market in Brazil, discussing the analysis of the South American automotive economy.

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